The Royal Regiment
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We are a Living Tribute Band... In the form of Pipes and Drums... Performing the Glorious Music of the Scottish Regiments of the British Army... America's One, True Ally... Serving alongside our Military around the world, wherever freedom has needed defending... And our respect for the Soldiers of Her Majesty's Forces runs deep and is evinced in our performance.

The Royal Regiment is a realistic and accurate re-creation of a Highland Regimental Pipe Band.
We take immense pride in our appearance... and strive to be correct in every detail of our Uniform. We wear British Desert Camo instead of the traditional kilt... a rather unique feature... but one that is often used by Regimental Pipe Bands when serving on active duty overseas.   
We appear at Parades, Military Ceremonies, Corporate Functions and Special Events in the NY/NJ area.  Contact us and see how to arrange a performance at your next event.